Archive for the ‘Goal Setting’ Category

The Difference Between a Reason and an Excuse

by Gary Ryan Blair

“There are a thousand excuses for every failure but never a good reason.”

Mark Twain

IF YOU’RE FEELING a little emotionally fragile, you may want to read this one later.

Or never.

Don’t say you weren’t warned.

I have a confession to make…

I’m pretty fed up with all the thumb suckers in this world…

I’m talking about the people who are constantly whining, complaining, rationalizing and justifying why their life is a succession of bad luck and unfinished endeavors.

I’m talking about the people who start projects but somehow never find a way to bring them to a finish…

I’m talking about the people with the highest intentions but who deliver the lowest of results

These people are more interested in arriving at success without every having to do the heavy lifting themselves.

They refuse to accept the reality that they must do their own pushups.

As creator of the 100 Day Challenge and someone who is constantly dealing with people who want to create positive change in their life (relationships, finances, career, health, appearance, attitude, lifestyle, etc.)…I hear way too many excuses.

As a rule, I have more people tell me why they can’t change than why they can.

And while I acknowledge that we all have challenges, hurdles and obstacles to navigate and negotiate along our path…in my humble opinion, most reasons (for not executing) are in fact, not reasons at all.

Bonus: Here’s a Great Way to Achieve Goals Fast!

They are nothing more than sad, pathetic and cheap excuses.


So, what is the difference between a Reason and an Excuse?

According to the dictionary…there’s absolutely no differentiation.

And that’s where the problem starts.

Read More HERE…


Posted on July 18th, 2018 by Gary Ryan Blair

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