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You Only Need One New Year Resolution

by Gary Ryan Blair

NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS offer you the first and perhaps the most important opportunity for remaking yourself. As with any opportunity, you have an obligation to capitalize on it and begin the year enjoying the sweetness of success, rather than experiencing and reinforcing the bitter taste of failure and disappointment.

Failure, disappointment, quitting, making excuses, and blame are not admirable qualities, and you should never allow yourself to be associated with such behaviors. Unfortunately, that’s exactly how most people will begin the New Year.

The good news is that it does not have to be that way, and I’d like to show you how by introducing you to… The Rule of One.


new-year-resolution-rule-of-one(Bonus: Read this new year resolution manifesto from me.)

THE RULE OF ONE is actually very simple: Instead of starting the New Year with a long list of resolutions which quickly fade from memory, make the decision to focus on the ONE NEW YEAR RESOLUTION that would make the greatest impact on your life, career, or family.

Contrary to the lyrics from a classic rock song, one is not the loneliest number. It’s the most important one, especially when it comes to your success.

Why only one resolution? There are three reasons…


ONE New Year Resolution is a smart, radical act of simplicity which requires nothing more than good old-fashioned common sense. Simplifying your New Year strategy to just one resolution is powerful in that it creates a sense of relief, and freedom from complexity, and overwhelm.


ONE New Year Resolution is perhaps the savviest move you can make when it comes to focus. Focusing on the highest and best use of your time, talents and passions involves making choices and trade-offs, identifying priorities, as well as determining and aligning actions with core values.


ONE New Year Resolution is the perfect solution to the biggest problem faced by most people – accountability. Accountability serves to protect your character as well as your credibility, and by reducing the number of resolutions to one, you remove complexity and overwhelm, and replace it with confidence and control.

Whether it’s going back to school, starting a business, becoming debt free, or even writing a book, there is no singular goal that you can’t accomplish this year. That’s the magic behind the Rule of One.

Read More HERE…


Posted on November 22nd, 2017 by Gary Ryan Blair

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