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Hi, I’m Gary Ryan Blair, the New York Times best-selling author of Everything Counts and founder of the 100 Day Challenge.

Contrary to Popular Belief…Shortcuts Do Exist.


We all know it’s possible to learn how to speed read, speed skate, speed network, and even play speed chess.

Why then is it such a big psychological leap to think that you can’t master the skill of rapid goal achievement and transform your life in just 100 days?

With the right system…it is possible for you to achieve 10 years’ worth of results in just 100 days…and today I’m going to share this system with you.

If you’re serious about explosion growth, accelerating your win rate and making a series of quantum leaps in 2020. Read on.

We’ve all heard the saying, Time is Money.

Well, here’s three truths about time, and why I believe time is the most valuable asset in the world…

#1 Time is the most democratically distributed resource that exists.

Every person has the exact same amount of time available to them…no matter whether they’re powerful or poor, enterprising or idle, bright or ignorant.

#2 Time is scarce.

You only get a limited amount of time in your life, and every single day…the amount you have left shrinks just a little bit more.

Whether you use it wisely or not, time nevertheless goes on with or without you.

#3 Time is running out for you to achieve your goals.

You might think that you have all the time in the world to make your dreams come true…You don’t.

For all the things you want to experience in life…time is running out. And you never know when the last grain of sand will fall through the middle of your own life’s hourglass.

Time is running out for you to become the person you’ve always wanted to be…to make the difference you seek to make…to produce the work you know you’re capable of.

We’re all playing a high stakes game of one and done…You get one bite of this apple called life, one life in which to do everything you’ll ever do.

That’s why it’s in your best interest to read this entire message…and to learn what it’s going to take to make 2020 a game-changing year for you.

“Live your life like time is running out…because it is.” Paulo Coelho

What I want to do right now is to encourage a healthy obsession with time, and provide you with a few actionable ideas that will help you to make the most of whatever time you have remaining.


How Much Time Do You Have to Waste?

The first has to do with life expectancy.

The average US life expectancy is 76 years.

What that means is…middle age is 38 years old.

That’s right, middle age is nowhere near 50, it’s 38.

So my question for you is…Do you have more yesterdays, or more tomorrows?

Regardless of which side of 38 you’re on…I hope that fact alone strikes a nerve and creates a strong bias towards taking action on your goals.

As for me…one of my greatest motivators is the desire to make enough money to do everything I want to do, when I want to do it, and while I’m still young enough to enjoy it.

I’m of the belief that life is short, and that it’s much more of a sprint than it is a marathon.

I prefer not to wait around for my dreams to come true. Rather than wait for things to happen and for the stars to align…I’ve found that it’s wiser to take initiative, to trigger the effects or outcomes I desire, and to actually make things happen.


Why in the world should you wait for your dreams to come true? Why wait until you’re in your 60’s to build your dream house…take your dream vacation…or live the life you’ve always dreamed of?

Most people have conditioned themselves to believe that they have to wait that long because they simply can’t afford to right now.

And yet with every passing second, they’re losing more and more of the most valuable asset in the world… The one asset they’ll actually need in order to enjoy what they want to accomplish… Time.

You see, most of us are naive about the benefits of speed and the bright side of being impatient.

Wrongly founded assumptions about speed and impatience replace potentially accurate assessments of what’s necessary to achieve success.

Allow me to explain…

Time is being packaged, positioned and sold every single day in all kinds of industries through all types of products and services.

They’re all shortcuts designed to help you save, conserve, and leverage as much time as you can…







When you purchase a FastPass at Disney…you’re buying time.

Instead of waiting in the regular line for a ride which could take hours, you’re directed to a special line with a shorter wait time.









When you get yourself an E-Z Pass for the highway…you’re buying time.

This electronic toll collection system allows you to prepay your tolls, eliminating the need to sit in traffic and stop at the toll plaza.








When you purchase anything through Amazon Prime…you’re buying time.

Shop from anywhere at any time and your goodies arrive in one to two days. No more trips to the store for you.









When you buy a computer from Apple, Dell, HP or Microsoft…you’re buying time.

You may think you’re buying a computer, but you’re actually buying a tool that allows you to get more done, in less time. In fact, your computer is loaded with time saving shortcuts.









And, the next time you ship a FedEx package, I assure you…it’s because quite literally, they’re selling time and you’re an eager buyer.

It’s about time someone said…Speed is sexy and saving time is a luxury item.

Speed is the ultimate turn on. Everyone is short of time. We all dislike delays, long lines, out-of-stocks, and waiting on hold. We love finding what we want, and getting back to work or play fast.

And, as just demonstrated…

You’ll gladly pay for time so you can do more and experience more before the sand runs out from your hourglass.

So Why Am I Bringing This Up?

Because I only have one regret when I think back over my life and career…

I regret that I did not pay for time…and wasted years of my life trying to build a business unsuccessfully, when that stress, sacrifice, and years of time lost were completely unnecessary.

What took me 5 years, could have been accomplished in 12 months or less…if I had only understood the value of time, and that I could buy more of it.

Contrary to popular belief…Shortcuts do exist.

You really can buy time, shorten your learning curve, leapfrog over your competition and accelerate any outcome…but first, let’s talk about you and your goals for a minute.

You’re reading this message because you want more out of life

You want to increase your income.

You want to get in great shape.

You want to experience all that life has to offer.

You want to do what you want, when you want, and with who you want.

In other words, you’re here because you want to live a life of freedom.

Why freedom?

Because freedom allows YOU to choose how you spend your TIME, instead of someone else.

So here’s my question for you…

If you had a choice, would you like to achieve that kind of freedom in 5-10 years, or in 100 days?

Of course you’d like to learn how to accelerate your win rate and achieve your goals faster.

Assuming that’s the case, here’s how to make that vision a reality…

When It Comes to Making 2020 Your Best Year Ever, There’s Only One Thing Standing in Your Way…

You’re missing access to the right information…and what you don’t know is costing you.

It’s only natural to wonder if there are some “secret strategies” that highly successful people know about that you don’t…strategies which allow them to fast track their goals, live in nicer homes, drive finer cars and live a far superior quality of life.

Accelerating your results at a rapid clip often comes down to one key thing, and that one key thing is…Access to information.

Right now you’re suffering, stuck, and frustrated because you can picture all the things you want to be, have and do in your mind, and you’re making efforts to move toward those goals and dreams, but no matter how hard you try…it’s just not working the way you want.

Your effort and enthusiasm levels are high, while your results and satisfaction are low because the actions you’re taking are ineffective.

Why? Because you’re missing access to the required knowledge, abilities and mindset. You’re making mistakes because you don’t know any better.

I didn’t know any better either. I simply did the best I could with what I knew at the time.

That didn’t work.








Meanwhile…Time marched on. Every single day that goes by is one more day that you’ll never get to live and enjoy the dream life you truly want.

And knowing that is painful.

So would you like that pain to stop?

Would you like to dramatically accelerate your win rate and reach the finish line much faster than you are right now?

Then you need to stop working hard, and start working smart…


By buying a shortcut that will save you time.

Ultimately, accelerating your win rate is simply a matter of knowing how to do it.

It’s a matter of acquiring the right information, and to acquire that information, you have two choices…

You can spend years (or even a lifetime) attempting to get it the old-fashioned way…by trial and error, through your own blood, sweat and tears.

By grinding it out along with a few lucky breaks…you’ll probably figure it out, but it’s going to take you a very, very long time.

How long?

Well here’s a partial list of the information and strategies you’ll need to learn to make a quantum leap, and make 2020 your best year ever…

Quantum Growth Mindset.
Developing Your North Star.
Force Multipliers.
Closing Speed.
Gap Analysis.
Mega Credibility.
Massie Action Plan.
Enforcing Deadlines.
Ripple Effects.
Purging and Pruning.
Time Compression.
Productivity Habits.
System Approach.
Focusing Strategies.
Growth Hacking.
Divide and Conquer.
Rewards and Recognition.
After Action Reviews.
Radical Self-Reliance.
Compounding Results.
Pressure Points.
Rapid Execution Strategies.
Swarm Technique.


That’s a little more than you expected, isn’t it?

Figuring all of this out on your own? Yes, it’s going to take you 5-10 years or more if you’re working on it, measuring and analyzing feedback every single day.

Well if you had the option, wouldn’t it be smarter and easier to simply BUY the information you need and take delivery of it TODAY from someone who’s already done all of this stuff successfully…instead of trying to figure it out all on your own?

Well that’s what the 100 Day Challenge does for you.

You see, most people don’t really understand what the 100 Day Challenge is, or why I created it.

Most people think they’re buying a training program.

But you’re not.

Most people think I’m selling a goal setting class.

Not by a long shot.

Yes, you’re getting growth hacking knowledge, force multiplier strategies and a proven execution system to crush it in 2020…but what you’re really BUYING, is time.

You’re buying the ability to enjoy greater success in just 100 days than most people do over the course of 10 years.

You’re buying the ability to skip over years of failure, frustration, and small, incremental growth…and you’re buying the ability to ACCELERATE all of the amazing things you want in life FORWARD in time so you can have them sooner.

That list above of all the knowledge, skills and strategies you’ll need to acquire to experience exponential growth?

Well, the 100 Day Challenge provides you with ALL of that information…and so much more.

I created the 100 Day Challenge to share with you the same time saving methods I’ve learned and leveraged to shatter sales goals, quickly grow a number of multimillion dollar businesses, and coach people to extraordinary, legacy defining performances.

I’m confident I can do the same for you.

No more confusion. No more frustration. And no more wasted time trying to figure it out on your own.

If I had access to this kind of knowledge earlier in my life, it would have completely changed my results and saved me years of going to the school of hard knocks.

“We all know it’s possible to learn how to speed read, speed skate, speed network, and even play speed chess. Why then is it such a big psychological leap to think that you can’t master the skill of rapid goal achievement and accelerate your win rate?”

If you truly want to make 2020 the year of exponential growth…
If you truly want to accelerate your win rate and start living the life you want years sooner…then the 100 Day Challenge is the most powerful shortcut in the world that you can acquire.

And the price?

Well, what would you pay to drive more results in 100 days than most do over the course of 10 years?

What would you be willing to pay if in just 100 days from now you could…

Be in the best shape of your life.
Write and publish your book or song.
Become the sales leader in your organization.
Create an info-product and launch it worldwide.
Finally, start a new business doing what you love.
Generate game-changing revenue for your current business.
Restore or strengthen relationships with family, friends or colleagues.
Pay off thousands of dollars in debt…and become completely debt free.
Build or rebuild your marriage on a foundation of trust, intimacy, and respect.




If time is the most valuable asset in the world, those prices seem reasonable.

Well there’s a personal reason why I’m not charging “market value” to join the 100 Day Challenge…

I priced this special program to help as many people as I can to accelerate their win rate…to live the life of their dreams now, rather than later.

To date, more than 600,000 people and organizations have used the 100 Day Challenge to transform their lives and make a difference.
Entrepreneurs, salespeople, artists, coaches, non-profit leaders, CEOs, teachers, soldiers and athletes have all found what they were seeking through the magic of this special program.




The truth is…There’s no added virtue, nothing worth bragging about in getting rich slowly, in getting healthy slowly, in learning a new skill slowly, in turning your business around slowly nor in achieving any goal slowly.

I created the 100 Day Challenge for those people in a hurry to turn things around in their life and career…and who don’t want to wait a long time to get it done.

In other words, I created it for you!

The 100 Day Challenge is a time-machine that’s built to accelerate your results, and it’s my gift to you…

You can get started today for just $177…and a two-payment plan is available.

Learning how to save yourself years of time, pain and needless suffering makes the 100 Day Challenge a no-brainer.

It’s the most valuable investment you could possibly make in life, and I can guarantee you that your future self will thank you for making it.

But don’t take my word for it…

Join now and decide for yourself with absolutely no risk on your end.

The registration window for 2020 is only open for a few days.


Here’s my promise to you…

If you buy the 100 Day Challenge today and if you aren’t blown away by what you learn or think that it won’t save you years of time. I will promptly refund your money. No questions asked. No hassle. You have my word on it.

Just contact support at [email protected] and we’ll give you your money back.

This is your chance to make a quantum leap…to push fast-forward on your journey to success…and Make 2020 Your Best Year Ever. Take advantage of it while you can.



It’s time to change the way you achieve your goals…and it would be my honor to show you how.

Shall we dance?

Happy New Year,

Gary Ryan Blair